Projects: All selected projects from Vetro are imported into OZmap, replicating their characteristics in OZmap.
The importation only covers the project element information. All items within a Vetro project are imported separately through other element imports.
The OZmap project name will be the same as in Vetro.
The latitude and longitude of the OZmap project will be the same as in Vetro.
The coordinate area of the OZmap project will be the same as in Vetro.
Poles: All poles from Vetro are imported into OZmap from the pole layer, replicating their characteristics in OZmap.
Poles do not have a project in OZmap, but they do in Vetro. If the client requests the importation of selected projects only, only the poles from the selected project will be imported.
The OZmap pole name will be the Vetro pole ID. If there are multiple poles with the same name in Vetro, a number will be added after the pole name in OZmap to avoid duplicate name errors
The OZmap pole coordinates will be the same as in Vetro.
The OZmap pole observation will be the Vetro note.
Includes mandatory importation of:
Pole Types
Boxes: All boxes from Vetro are imported into OZmap from the box layer, replicating their characteristics in OZmap.
The OZmap box name will be defined by the ID or existing name in Vetro. If there are multiple boxes with the same name in Vetro, a number will be added after the box name in OZmap to avoid duplicate name errors.
The OZmap box type will be the same as in Vetro.
The OZmap box coordinates will be the same as in Vetro.
If the box is in “build” in Vetro, it will be created as implanted in OZmap. Otherwise, it will be created as Not implanted in OZmap.
The OZmap box observation will be the Vetro note.
Includes mandatory importation of:
Box Types
Vertical Buildings: All condominiums from Vetro are imported into OZmap from the customer layer, identified by the building type, replicating their characteristics in OZmap.
The OZmap condominium name will be defined by the ID or company name in Vetro. If there are multiple buildings with the same name in Vetro, a number will be added after the name in OZmap to avoid duplicate name errors.
The OZmap condominium coordinates will be the same as in Vetro.
If the condominium is in “build” in Vetro, it will be created as implanted in OZmap. Otherwise, it will be created as Not implanted in OZmap.
The OZmap condominium observation will be the Vetro note.
Properties and Clients: All properties and clients from Vetro are imported into OZmap from the customer layer, replicating their characteristics in OZmap.
The OZmap client code will be the Vetro ID. If there are multiple clients with the same code in Vetro, a number will be added after the code in OZmap to avoid duplicate code errors.
The OZmap client name will be the company name of the property in Vetro.
If the property is in “build” in Vetro, it will be created as Implanted in OZmap. Otherwise, it will be created as Not implanted in OZmap.
The OZmap property coordinates will be the same as in Vetro.
The OZmap property observation will be the Vetro note.
POPs: All POPs from Vetro are imported into OZmap from the pops layer, replicating their characteristics in OZmap.
The OZmap POP name will be defined by the ID or POP name in Vetro. If there are multiple POPs with the same name in Vetro, a number will be added after the name in OZmap to avoid duplicate name errors.
If the POP is in “build” in Vetro, it will be created as Implanted in OZmap. Otherwise, it will be created as Not implanted in OZmap.
The OZmap POP coordinates will be the same as in Vetro.
The OZmap POP observation will be the Vetro note.
Includes mandatory importation of:
POP Types
Cables: All cables from Vetro are imported into OZmap from the cable layer, replicating the characteristics in OZmap.
The name of the OZmap cable will be the ID if it exists, or the cable name in Vetro.
The points of the OZmap cable will be the same as in Vetro.
If the cable is in “build” in Vetro, it will be created as Implanted in OZmap. Otherwise, the cable will be created as Not Implanted in OZmap.
The ends of the OZmap cables will be the same as the ends in Vetro.
Includes mandatory importation of:
Cable Types
May depend on the importation of:
Boxes, Condominiums, POPs, and Properties.
Splitters: All splitters from Vetro are imported into OZmap from the splitter layer, replicating the characteristics in OZmap.
The name of the OZmap splitter will be the ID from Vetro.
The box of the OZmap splitter will be the same as in Vetro.
The observation of the OZmap splitter will be the note from Vetro.
If the splitter is in “build” in Vetro, it will be created as Implanted in OZmap. Otherwise, the splitter will be created as Not Implanted in OZmap.
By default, splitters will be created in OZmap with the attribute “Allow Client Connection” set to false.
Includes mandatory importation of:
Splitter Types
May depend on the importation of:
Boxes, Condominiums and POPs.
ODFs: All DIOs from Vetro are imported into OZmap from the DIO layer, replicating the characteristics in OZmap.
The name of the OZmap ODF will be the ID from Vetro.
The box or the POP of the OZmap ODF will be the same as in Vetro.
The note of the OZmap ODF will be the note from Vetro.
If the ODF is in “build” in Vetro, it will be created as Implanted in OZmap. Otherwise, the ODF will be created as Not Implanted in OZmap.
Includes mandatory importation of:
ODF Types
May depend on the importation of:
Internal Box Connections: All internal box connections from Vetro are imported into OZmap.
Internal box connections refer to connections between elements within a box, such as connections between cables, between splitters and cables, and between splitters and splitters.
May depend on the importation of:
Cables and Splitters
Technical Reserves (SPAREs): All technical reserves from Vetro are imported into OZmap from the technical reserves layer, replicating the characteristics in OZmap.
May depend on the importation of:
“Inclui obrigatoriamente as importação de” - São outros elementos que também precisarão ser importados juntamente com o elemento selecionado pelo cliente no questionário.
“Pode depender da importação de” - São outros elementos que, caso não ser sejam importados, podem impedir a criação dos elementos em questão. Por exemplo: Na importação de caixas, caso uma caixa esteja alocada em um poste no Vetro, e esse poste não tiver sido importado previamente para o OZmap por algum motivo, a caixa não poderá ser criada no OZmap também.
Configurações Base
Projetos a serem importados
Usar uma lista somente de projetos a serem importados para o OZmap.
Por padrão serão importados todos os projetos do Vetro.
“Includes mandatory importation of” - These are other elements that will also need to be imported along with the element selected by the client in the form.
“May depend on the importation of” - These are other elements that, if not imported, may prevent the creation of the elements in question. For example: When importing boxes, if a box is located on a pole in Vetro and that pole has not been previously imported into OZmap for some reason, the box cannot be created in OZmap either.
Standard Settings
Parameter | Description | Default |
Projects to be imported | Use a list of projects to be imported into OZmap. | Disabled. By default, all projects from Vetro will be imported. |
Access Data
Dados de acesso necessários para buscar informações via API nos sistemas Vetro e OZmap. (Estes dados devem ser fornecidos no questionário inicialAccess data needed to fetch information via API from the Vetro and OZmap systems. (These data must be provided in the initial form).
ParâmetroParameter | DescriçãoDescription | ExemploExample |
URL OZmapEndereço do OZmap que receberá os elementos importados | The OZmap address that will receive the imported elements. |
ParâmetroParameter | DescriçãoDescription | ExemploExample |
URL VetroEndereço do Vetro que será utilizado para consultar os elementos | The Vetro address that will be used to query the elements. |
Usuário Vetro Usuário responsável por ter acesso a interface e a chamadas API para o User | The user responsible for accessing the interface and API calls for Vetro. |
Senha Usuário Vetro Senha do usuário do VetroUser Password | The password for the Vetro user; |
Common Doubts
PerguntaQuestion | RespostaAnswer | Funcionalidade |
Alguma das funcionalidades do serviço de importação OZmap é opcional? | Não. Atualmente na versão atual, é feito a importação de todos os elementos descritos. | Todas. |
É possível importar somente postes de projetos específicos do Vetro? | Sim, os postes no Vetro são separados por projetos. Com isso, caso seja solicitado a importação de um único projeto, apenas postes daquele projeto serão importados. | Importação de Postes |
É possível importar somente tipos de elementos específicos do Vetro? | Não, atualmente todos os tipos dos elementos selecionados serão importados para o OZmap, independente de serem usados ou não. | - |
É possível realizar a tradução de tipos do Vetro para usar tipos já existentes no OZmap? | Não, atualmente não é possível traduzir tipos de elementos, somente importar os tipos originais do Vetro para o Functionality | |
Are any of the OZmap import service functionalities optional? | No. Currently, in the current version, all the elements described are imported. | All. |
Is it possible to import only poles from specific Vetro projects? | Yes, the poles in Vetro are separated by projects. Thus, if the importation of a single project is requested, only the poles from that project will be imported. | Pole Importation |
Is it possible to import only specific types of elements from Vetro? | No, currently all types of selected elements will be imported into OZmap, regardless of whether they are used or not. | - |
Is it possible to translate types from Vetro to use existing types in OZmap? | No, currently it is not possible to translate element types, only to import the original types from Vetro into OZmap. | - |