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A seguir será descrito o processo para localizar um imóvel conectado a uma porta de um Splitter, com base nas informações disponíveis do próprio Splitter.

Passos do Processo

  1. Identificar as portas dos Splitter e obter a fibra conectada à porta
    Identificar quais portas do Splitter possuem conexão, verificando o campo connectables.output.

  2. Obter a fibra conectada à porta
    A partir do ID da fibra conectada na porta do Splitter, buscar os dados da mesma.

  3. Obter dados do cabo referente a fibra
    Através do campo parent da fibra, identificar o cabo responsável pela conexão.

  4. Obter os detalhes do imóvel
    A partir do ID do imóvel obtido nas informações do cabo, buscar os dado do mesmo.

➡️ Exemplo

Para esse exemplo será usado os dados do seguinte SplitterThe following describes the process to locate a property connected to a Splitter port based on the available information from the Splitter itself.

Process steps

  1. Identify the splitter ports and obtain the fiber connected to the port
    Identify which Splitter ports are connected by checking the connectables.output field.

  2. Retrieve the fiber connected to the port
    Using the ID of the fiber connected to the Splitter port, retrieve its data.

  3. Obtain cable data from the fiber
    Using the parent field of the fiber, identify the cable responsible for the connection.

  4. Retrieve property details
    Using the property ID obtained from the cable information, retrieve the property data.

➡️ Example

In this example will be used the following Splitter data:

Code Block
    "isBalanced": true,
    "orientation": "right",
    "label": "",
    "attenuation": [
    "implanted": true,
    "isDrop": true,
    "kind": "Splitter",
    "parent": "67100ab7f7c87615f2b9386f",
    "project": "662f84e9e736c00021effccd",
    "name": "Splitter 1",
    "splitterType": "5da61085493d9c00066653f5",
    "connectables": {
        "input": [
        "output": [
        "id": "677ff4f2de2d97f28054edbb"
    "ratio": {
        "output": 8,
        "input": 1,
        "id": "677ff4f2de2d97f28054edd3"
    "size": 1,
    "id": "67100ab7f7c87615f2b93874"
  1. Identificar as portas dos Splitter e obter a fibra conectada à porta

Nos dados do Splitter, há a propriedade "connectables", que se refere às conexões de entrada e saída do Splitter. Dentro dessa propriedade, o campo "output" corresponde às portas de saída do Splitter, que, neste caso, são 8 portas.

Uma porta com valor "null" indica que não possui conexão, enquanto uma porta conectada exibirá o ID da fibra associada. Neste exemplo, a porta 2 está conectada, e o ID da fibra correspondente é "67126f35f7c87615f2b951b0".

  1. Obter dados da fibra conectada à porta


  1. Identify the Splitter Ports and Obtain the Fiber Connected to Each Port

The Splitter data includes a connectables property that specifies its input and output connections. The output field represents the Splitter's output ports, which in this case include 8 ports.

  • A port with a null value indicates no connection.

  • A port with a value displays the ID of the connected fiber.

In this example, port 2 has a connection with the fiber ID 67126f35f7c87615f2b951b0.

  1. Retrieve the fiber connected to the port

To fetch the details of the fiber with ID 67126f35f7c87615f2b951b0, use the following request to the fibers endpoint:

Code Block
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: OZMAP_KEY'

A resposta esperada para essa chamada éThe expected response is:

Code Block
    "isDrop": true,
    "connectors": [
    "kind": "Fiber",
    "name": "L1-F1",
    "parent": "67126f35f7c87615f2b951af",
    "project": "662f84e9e736c00021effccd",
    "fiberNumber": 1,
    "createdAt": "2024-10-18T14:22:45.579Z",
    "updatedAt": "2024-10-18T14:22:45.782Z",
    "id": "67126f35f7c87615f2b951b0"

Nos dados da fibra, é possível identificar a propriedade "parent" que contém o ID “67126f35f7c87615f2b951af”, que se refere ao ID do cabo referente a fibra.

  1. Obter dados da cabo referente a fibra

Para obter os dados da fibra de ID “67126f35f7c87615f2b951af” será realizada a seguinte chamada para a rota “fibers”, segue a chamadaThe parent property indicates the ID 67126f35f7c87615f2b951af, which corresponds to the cable of this fiber.

  1. Obtain cable data from the fiber

To retrieve the details of the cable with ID 67126f35f7c87615f2b951af, use the following request to the cables endpoint:

Code Block
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: OZMAP_KEY'

A resposta esperada para essa chamada éThe expected response is:

Code Block
    "tags": [],
    "positionsProcessed": true,
    "orientationA": "left",
    "orientationB": "right",
    "kind": "Drop",
    "boxA": "67100ab7f7c87615f2b9386f",
    "boxB": "67126f35f7c87615f2b951ad",
    "implanted": true,
    "poles": [
            "reserve": 0,
            "id": "67100ab7f7c87615f2b93870"
    "project": "662f84e9e736c00021effccd",
    "cableType": "5d83b2fcd846ae365237b3a1",
    "hierarchyLevel": 3,
    "looseNumber": 1,
    "fiberNumber": 1,
    "ducts": [],
    "loss": 0,
    "ground_length": 0.032974573633413246,
    "length": 0.032974573633413246,
    "altitude_length": null,
    "createdAt": "2024-10-18T14:22:45.431Z",
    "updatedAt": "2025-01-09T16:07:52.680Z",
    "id": "67126f35f7c87615f2b951af"

Nos dados do cabo, é possível observar as propriedades "boxA" e "boxB", que indicam os elementos aos quais o cabo está conectado. Nesse caso, "boxA" representa a caixa onde o Splitter está localizado, enquanto "boxB" refere-se ao imóvel conectado.

Portanto o ID “67126f35f7c87615f2b951ad” presente na proprieade “boxB” se refere ao imóvel conectado a porta do Splitter.

  1. Obter os detalhes do imóvel

Para obter os do imóvel de ID “67126f35f7c87615f2b951ad” será realizada a seguinte chamada para a rota “properties”, segue a chamadaThe boxA and boxB properties indicate the elements connected to the cable:

  • boxA represents the box where the Splitter is located.

  • boxB corresponds to the property connected to the port.

The ID 67126f35f7c87615f2b951ad in boxB refers to the property connected to port 2 of the Splitter.

  1. Retrieve property details

To fetch the property details for ID 67126f35f7c87615f2b951ad, use the following request to the properties endpoint:

Code Block
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: OZMAP_KEY'

A resposta esperada para essa chamada éThe expected response is:

Code Block
    "history": {
        "clients": [
                "id": "67126f34f7c87615f2b951aa",
                "code": "263655-2",
              "enter_date": "2024-10-18T14:22:45.041Z",
                "exit_date": null
    "observation": "",
    "drop": "67126f35f7c87615f2b951af",
    "tags": [],
    "cables": [],
    "towers": [],
    "kind": "Property",
    "client": {
        "certified": false,
        "status": 0,
        "observation": "",
        "tags": [],
        "implanted": true,
        "onu": {
            "user_PPPoE": "",
            "serial_number": "",
            "mac_address": "",
            "id": "677ff458933efcf4ecbe0aa7"
        "kind": "ftth",
        "code": "263655-2",
        "name": "Example",
        "createdAt": "2024-10-18T14:22:44.997Z",
        "updatedAt": "2025-01-09T16:07:52.074Z",
        "id": "67126f34f7c87615f2b951aa"
    "box": "67100ab7f7c87615f2b9386f",
    "address": "AVENIDA15 Street EXAMPLEexample,
    "creatorData": {
        "id": "65d645dc76afab0014bbc9d1",
        "name": "integracao_sgpintegration_test",
        "username": "integracao_sgpintegration_test"
    "project": "662f84e9e736c00021effccd",
    "pole": "67100ab7f7c87615f2b93870",
    "coords": [
    "createdAt": "2024-10-18T14:22:45.328Z",
    "updatedAt": "2025-01-09T16:10:25.998Z",
    "id": "67126f35f7c87615f2b951ad",
    "lng": -48.5252896811811,
    "lat": -27.57688076201291,
    "connections": [
            "id": "67100ab7f7c87615f2b93874",
            "kind": "Splitter",
            "port": 2,
            "name": "Splitter 1",
            "implanted": true,
            "fiber": "67126f35f7c87615f2b951b0"